Occupational Health
Musculoskeletal pain triage & treatment as you want it to be
...discover a new & better way of reducing costs & standing out
...discover a new & better way of reducing costs & standing out
Treat musculoskeletal pain-related costs at the source.
Muscle and Joint (Musculoskeletal-MSK) problems are the leading cause of temporary work absenteeism and one of the highest concerns for Occupational Health Services Providers. Today more than ever, occupational health companies are under pressure to demonstrate value and to reduce costs whilst enhancing their offering. |
Reduce costs
Managing MSK problems is complicated. At a very basic level, there’s the question of how serious the problem is and how best to support the employee back to work quickly. By identifying sufferers on day 1 and matching people with the most appropriate care (triage), companies can reduce the length of MSK absenteeism by up to 50%. Telephone triage has certainly made moves in the right direction, but there’s more to be done. A lot more. |
Dealing with pain is tough
Muscle and joint problems take an estimated 30% of all GP appointments and represent the highest cause of workplace absenteeism. Back pain results in more disability than any other condition and is the single highest cause of working days lost, accounting for 12.5% of all absenteeism. The financial impact of MSK problems on companies is enormous. For example, 32% of employees absent with back pain remain off work for longer than a month and if they stay signed off for 8 weeks, there’s only a 50% chance that they’ll return to the same work at all. Those absent with MSK conditions are off work for an average of 16 days sick leave a year costing over £1,600 per case. The cost of muscle and joint pain to companies is massive but, because it is poorly managed, few know the true cost. Scary statistics for employers, but by managing MSK problems more efficiently occupational health companies have huge opportunities to prove significant impact on the bottom line. |
Reduce pain levels by as much as 50%
The PhysioWizard solution will differentiate your business from competitors, enabling you to help your customers:
By offering this added value to your clients you can improve your existing customers’ profitability and attract new customers. |
PhysioWizard® at a glance
PhysioWizard® - up close
PhysioWizard® simplifies the management of musculoskeletal (MSK) pain by providing early self-help advice and matching patients with the recommended healthcare professional/treatment. Current systems identify patients in need of help too late, leading to long delays in the sufferer receiving the help they need. Typically, employees self-certify for 7 days, after which they get a Fit Note from their GP to authorise further time off work. At this point no one can be sure whether an employee is able to return to work tomorrow, in two weeks, in another month or ever. Employees complete the PhysioWizard® the day they call in sick; anytime, anywhere. The program produces a clinical report for occupational health and provides the employee with personalised self-help advice to start them on the road to recovery. The software-as-a-service platform recommends a treatment pathway for speedy recovery from injury and return to work and can be linked to other services which offer fast, local physio support throughout the UK. This begins the recovery process straight away, saving your customer time and money whilst benefiting the health of the employee – a win, win, win for everyone. |
What you get
PhysioMedics™ is a pioneering healthcare technology company that creates tools and services to improve the management of back, neck, joint and limb (musculoskeletal) conditions and complaints.
Registered Office: 16 Ravelston House Park, Edinburgh EH4 3LU. |
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PhysioMedics™ 2022